4th Annual Monarch Monitoring Blitz!

In need of more outdoor activities? Consider participating in this tri-national community science effort! 

Join us and thousands of volunteers across North America from July 24 – August 2, 2020 for the 4th annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz (the Blitz). To participate, simply go out and look for and report milkweed plants and all life stages of monarch butterflies (monarch eggs, caterpillars, pupae, and adults). To take part in the Blitz, submit your data to the program associated with your location:

For this year’s Blitz, we feel compelled to underline that your well-being, and that of those around you, comes first. Before participating in any activities, please look up and carefully follow the health and safety measures for COVID-19 recommended by the authorities in your region.



Sarah Nizzi 

Farm Bill Pollinator Conservation Planner and

NRCS Partner Biologist